I think I may have found a new home: a little cleaner, a little more pleasent, and a little safer. Congo Paradise! Well, maybe I wouldn't go that far, but it is a lot nicer. Supposedly Lubumbashi is the nicest town in the DRC. Looking at the town, I realize how beautiful it once was and how beautiful it could be again. Several of us were talking together and it was agreed that the eastern DRC could be one of the nicest places in the world were in not for the wars of the last century. Who knows, maybe two hundred years from now, with increased peace and economic growth, this could one of the worlds most popular destinations.
I believe I like the flying here just a little bit better as well. In Kinshasa there was much less variety in l

andscape but here there are lakes, rivers, water falls, marshes, praries, mountains and plateaus. The only thing this area is missing is the big five game and other native animals. The last 100 years of war and hunger in the area have literally wiped out all the big wildlife in the area. Hopefully, if things settle down and people are educated on the importance of these animals here in the next several years, they may attempt to restock some of the extinct animals of the area.
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