At the end of December I finally got a much needed R&R. On December 24 I left for Delaware and spent the Christmas holidays at home with my family. It was a good time of rest and relaxation, but more importantly, Shawn, Evie and myself got much needed planning done for this summer's bike trip from Maine to Oregon. June 3 we plan on embarking on a three month bike trip from coast to coast. I can't wait.
Since my return to Congo, flying has been quite busy. I picked up nearly 200 hrs of flying in January and February because I was the only plane and pilot flying down here in Lubumbashi. Fortunately several
Back in September Lane Wallace, a lady from the Flying Magazine, came out to Africa to experience and write about bush flying in Africa. She did a three part series in which two of the articles were specifically about Air Serv operations in Chad and the DRC. I found the articles quite interesting, although I do think she over-dramatized them just a little. All the same, it was good publicity for our company. The third and final article is about our flying here in the Congo. Check out the photo gallery - quite nice.

Desert Caravan (January 2008)
Refugees and Legionnaires (February 2008)
Turbulence in Congo (March 2008)
Well, last week brought me to my one year anniversary with Air Serv. I finished my first contract and I'm on to my second. I will stick around until mid-May and then return to the states for three months to complete my bike trip. I will then hopefully return in September for another stay in Africa. I guess that means I really like my job :-)
Biking from Maine to Oregon, eh?
That's excellent. I hope you don't die of anticipation between now and summer, although I suppose that flying airplanes in africa would be an excellent attention-holder also.
Be blessed, dude.
Check out the new website and you need to go on Internet Explorer instead of Firefox.............. Love you, Mom =))
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