Sunday, September 16, 2007

8 things you may not know about me....

A couple weeks back I was tagged by Karen and told that I am to write 8 things about myself that people may not know. So here goes;

1) When I was young my family had a pet fox on our farm. My dad raised foxes to eat some of our dead chickens. One day he saved a baby fox whose mother was trying to kill it. We raised him as a common dog and named him Rosco. It was kinda fun seeing people's reactions to a fox roaming round out farm. Good times.

2) Several weeks ago the President of the DRC, Joseph Kabila, strolled across the Air Serv ramp while I was preflighting my airplane. It was a bit surreal having a flurry of armed guards running across the ramp to proceed his arrival.

3) I can't swim. I can float but cant seem to get anywhere. I think I need to practice a bit more.

4) I once got stuck for half an hour on a picket fence, upside-down with my foot wedged between two boards. In attempt to rescue me from my awkward and painful position, my sister promptly found my mother in the chicken house and informed her that Bruce has to use the bathroom. My mom then told her to tell me that I was allowed to go use the bathroom. Evie then came back and told me the good news. :-)

5) I gave the valedictorian speech at my high school. I was a bit of a nerd...

6) Danny Yoder and I once rode on a airline flight, sitting a row behind Ray Charles. Unfortunately he was oblivious to our presence.

7) I was made in Haiti.

8) I love people, but I often don't like crowds. I am a bit weird that way.

Alright, that was a bit tough. I about couldn't finish. So now I am going to pass the honor along and tag my cuz Sheila and friend Jared. Good luck.


Karin said...

What a fun game - thanks for playing along! The pet fox sounds fun, did he get into fights with other dogs?

JJ said...

Yay Bruce!!!

How's the flying?


Anonymous said...

Bruce, I am wondering what it means when you say you were "made in Haiti?" (Ha Ha) Were you also hatched in Haiti?? We are thinking about you and praying you are kept safe!!

mustangpilot said...

you can't swim??? I would never believe that after seeing you tame the Nile River!! Ha good fun.