About 10 minutes before my flight was about to board the peolpe at the gate made an announcement saying that our flight had been delayed. "That is fine, I have all the time in the world," I told myself. But the strange thing was that everybody was starting to get quite upset. I tried to figure out what was going on but no one wanted to speak English. The man at the gate could tell I was confused and asked if I was going to Kinshasa. After I confirmed with him that I was indeed, he told me to follow him along with a large mass of upset people. I was cool with that. Maybe we were changing gates. The only problem was that the parade of people was too long and the group of people too confused for me to figure out where we were going. At every turn we lost another group of people until it was just me and some Japeneesse couple. Luckily we got ourselves straightened out when, by sheer coincidence, I recognized another fellow passenger who knew what was going on. He informed me that the flight had actually been canceled and we where to head back through customs to get our luggage.
To make a long story short, I had trouble getting ahold of anyone who: a. was actualy awake; b. could actually do anything to help me out; and c. I had their number. I finally figured it all out

oh my word, bruce! if i hadn't read the news you sent me, i would have thought you just made that up!
Hey Bruce, well after reading that article you sent me I'm glad that I decided to check out your blog because I was getting somewhat nervous about how you were. Even though I'm sure it's frustrating for you I'm glad to hear that you are safe and sound. I'll keep my eyes open for you on gmail and get an update from ya.
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