In other news, last week I got word that Air Serv wants to move me to Kangana for a short term, two month, MSF (Doctors without Borders) contract. Normally I am a flexible kinda guy but here lately I am uncharacteristically stubborn. I have no desire to be stuck in the middle of nowhere with a program that has very little structure. As it stands right now it will be me, an ops guy and a mechanic. Although I haven't seen our living arrangements, I am pretty sure it is going to be a bit privative. Am I being difficult? I guess I did sign up to be a pilot in Africa. This kinda thing should be expected. But I have just gotten to the point where I like Lubumbashi a lot. I know the people, I have made some good friends, I know the town, and I like the living arrangements. It has become my home. I guess the best thing to do is to keep a positive attitude and look for the positives...but they are so hard to come by right now.

I have a feeling that I wont be very social for the next couple months. I have heard that the mission where we are staying has little in the way of electricity and internet. But isn't that why I came to the Congo in the first place? I wanted to experience the challenges. Hopefully next time you hear from me I will be digging the experience but for right now I reserve the right to dread it.